[It would seem silly to post this article without first acknowledging an elephant in the room:  We haven’t posted in 23 months.  Why, you might ask?  Is it because there is nothing going on in the flood world?  No.  Is it because we have retired to tropical islands?  No.  Is it because we got really busy, and this kept slipping to the bottom of the list?  No.  Well, actually, yes, that’s it.  Nothing dramatic or sinister.  Life just got in the way.  But we promise to be better about this going forward.]

Amidst much fanfare, on Friday President Trump released a Presidential Memoranda (much like an Executive Order, yet different?) directing Federal agencies to work together to reduce regulatory burdens on Western water deliveries.  It appears that the main thrust of the Memoranda is for NOAA Fisheries (which has Endangered

The National Waterways Conference has submitted a letter in response to the notice published in the Federal Register on February 5, 2018, seeking comment on the draft Engineering Circular (EC) on 408 permissions. According to the notice, comments must be submitted by March 7, 2018. 83 Fed. Reg. 5075.  The

Unfortunately, USACE has audio technical problems with its first webinar on the draft 408 policy.  For those that are interested in downloading the Powerpoint, you can find it here.

Also, here is the draft guidance.  Remember, comments should be due on March 7 (30 days after Feb 5 if our